Greg Vogt Greg Vogt

The Correlation between Trap Bar Deadlift and Mound Velocity

The Correlation between Trap Bar Deadlift (1 rep max) & Mound Velocity

correlation trap to pos. velo.png


Developing strength in throwing athletes continues to be a key form of training programs across the nation.  The goal of tracking different tests and assessments is to find out what is the best strategy to building healthy, sustainable velocity in athletes of different levels and capabilities.  

One of the main assessment tools used in this off-season programming was the trap bar deadlift.  It began with an on-ramping phase and teaching the proper way to perform the lift.  After a 4 week on-ramping phase, we assessed trap bar technique and reviewed form.  We tested the 1 rep max the following week.  Several athletes were stopped based on technique in their testing.  In total, 47 athletes went through the consistent programming and assessment process with the trap bar deadlift.

Assessing a 1 rep max can be dangerous and difficult to ask for athletes of different age levels or abilities.  Several athletes made adjustments into a 3 rep max or did not participate in the lift at all due to previous injuries or mobility issues.



The next 7 weeks focused on developing strength and technique through variations of weight training and plyometrics.   Exercises included but were not limited to trap bar deadlift, Bulgarian squat, reverse lunges, box jumps, dumbbell bench, TRX exercises, Palloff press, sled push and pulls, lateral lunges, and several different core exercises.  

There were about 20 athletes that had specific deficiencies or previous injuries required altered training programs.  Theses athletes were not in the sample groups.

Several made quick improvements based on better technique and form.  The biggest improvers, some up to 70 pounds, were new to the lift itself and made bigger improvements after consistent training and and workload. 


The post-assessment for Trap Bar Deadlift was in week 9 of the program.  Those testing numbers are shown in the graph above compared to their mound velocity (peak) assessed in week 10.  Overall, the average 1 rep max improved by 21 pounds for over 50 athletes (below).


Why does the trap bar deadlift assessment show similarities to positional velocity?  Improving muscular strength in hopes of gaining velocity is nothing ground-breaking.  However, assessing athletes, being transparent with their results and deficiencies, and training them accordingly to maximize their ability to throw hard separates this program from others.

The trap bar deadlift provides a movement that develops key muscle groups and while training ground force that provides a stable foundation for throwing.  As seen in the data, our stronger athletes often throw harder on the mound. Those that made big improvements in their trap bar deadlift max also improved more than average in their positional velocity.  There were outliers, but this testing provides an educational piece for both the athlete and the trainer.


In general, the trap bar deadlift is a very important piece to strength training that provides important feedback on power and force production.  It is a common lift variation for athletes but has not been tracked in a large group of athletes that are all attempting to improve throwing velocity.

These athletes often participate in lifting classes that focus on the “power 3” being squat, bench press, and power clean.  All three are good movements, but the baseball player needs more plane-specific movements that challenge them in similar positions used in baseball.  

When combining the rotational power development of medicine ball training, lower half power output assessment in the broad jump, and physical strength in the trap bar deadlift, you are building the foundation that leads to increased throwing velocity.  

Not one of these tools can answer all of the problems, but combining different assessments and training prescriptions can lead to better results.

For more information on data or training, contact

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Greg Vogt Greg Vogt

Process Built Training

We are misleading athletes to believe that scoreboards and trophies are king. The process of working hard and building towards that end result was where the real reward is.  You can work hard at something and not get the results you want or expect but by no means does that make it not worth it. The process of learning and experiencing the work at hand is the reward.

Process Built Training

Every young athlete dreams of playing on the big stage and succeeding.  Every parent dreams that their kid achieve the highest level of playing while being the happiest kid on the field.  Nobody wants an athlete to have their feelings hurt on or off the field. Point being, we see scoreboards, stat lines, and trophies as the ultimatum.  Our society believes in trophies solving our self-esteem issues. We often blame the youth for this issue, but who is giving out the trophies?  Who sets leagues and tournaments up to provide participation medals for all players? Our youth athletes are victims of poorly organized reward systems in our development.

We are missing the point.  Big time.

If you have worked hard for something in your life, you understand that the process of building that end result was where the real reward is.  You can work hard at something and not get the results you want or expect. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. The process of learning and experiencing the work at hand is the reward.  We are supposed to fail at things. Without failure, our learning process becomes flawed. Every result, decision, and life choice has positives and negatives. Risks and rewards. When we reward mediocrity, don’t expect to get something else in return.

Trust the Process

2019 Winter PRP Velocity Development

2019 Winter PRP Velocity Development

When we make decisions about training, playing, rewarding, criticizing, or blaming others, we must prioritize the end goal as the result of daily work.  The commitment to daily work is what separate athletes of all levels and sports. How athletes get rewarded from that process is never in direct correlation of immediate results.   We could go into countless stories of hall of fame athletes who were cut, billionaires that were fired, etc. At some point, those that continually trust and work at a high level will be rewarded in some shape or form.  It may not be with that sport and it may not be for years to come.

Back to the main point, buying into the process of long-term development instead of short-term results such as games or stat lines.  Best way to do it? Track everything that you care about. Body weight, lifting measurables, sleep, calories, velocity, K:BB ratio, quality at-bats, etc.  Things that you focus on and track will continue to improve. Worry much less about W/L, batting average, or any other stat lines, and start developing for the long-term.  Kids that train consistently, take care of their bodies, and see the ultimate goal will greatly improve their chances on developing the important things it takes to play at the next level.  

As a coach/trainer, we enjoy any athlete that is willing to work.  The good ones worry less about the results and more about the experience.  Little details that lead to long-term development is what separates the good from the great.  One of my favorite quotes has always been “Good is the enemy of Great” for the simple fact that it doesn’t take much to separate the elite from non-elite players.  The elite simply do the little things better.

What does the Process look like?

The process is complicated. It’s never linear. There are ups and downs throughout. The process requires trust and belief that continuous dedication and passionate work will pay off in the end. Results will come. No matter how poor performance can be, bouncing back and continuing to work will build you back up.

Mound Velo Progression.png

Mound velocity is one of the several things that is never a linear process. Below is a chart of mound velocity progression for a post-collegiate athlete. While part of it was for on-ramping, the velocity continued to fluctuate for 4 months. Over time, the results continued to climb but there were several days and weeks that were frustrating. Why? Because of training workload, sleep management, nutrition, and getting comfortable with new mechanics and intent.

The focus being on the process for a 13 year old baseball player compared to a collegiate player should be similar with different goals at hand. The goal-oriented mindset should be keyed in on developing a tool or skill to impact their performance. For example, a 13 year old could be focused on improving their pro agility or 30yd dash time to develop their overall quickness and speed. A collegiate player could be focused on developing more thoracic mobility due to having chronic soreness or tightness come mid/late season. These things both require daily work and should have a detailed program.

The process looks like a daily commitment to improving your game. It is challenging, frustrating, and rewarding throughout. It pays off with more than just performance results. It shapes a better person who earns their results. The process isn’t fair at times, but will continue to push and motivate those who are willing to get their hands dirty.


No draft pick, college scholarship, or job opportunity of any sort was earned overnight.  There is no overnight success. The reward at the so-called end is simply a bonus. The enjoyment will come from understanding all of the work put in to earn that end goal rather than the end goal itself.  Align your priorities and discussions with the process, not the results.  As parents, coaches, mentors, and educators we must understand that celebrating the small wins throughout development and training is more important than any trophy.  

Without the proper development, trophies will fade away and careers will be shortened in today's game.  Those that invest their time in research, assessments, and constantly are evaluating progress will continue to see improvements.  Invest your time wisely!

For more information, contact 

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