PRP at Home Training

by Christian Sullivan

Few Key Notes:

Training focus if going to shift from throwing and lifting big, to learning how to move well through body weight and stability movements. 

Also, we can change stimulus by adding bands/chains and changing the tempo of the movements. Another focus would be mobility.  You can make an “at home” workout very dificult by challenging the tempo and/or holding basic movements.  

It is important to continue mobility every day to maintain the “gains” that we have worked so hard for. Feel free to mix in the mobility movements into a full body lift for enhanced movement efficiency.  

I know some of these movements may be unfamiliar, but they can be found on YouTube. If you have any questions regarding working, mobility, nutrition, the mental side of things, or further explanation on a movement, feel free to reach out to me via email or text. 

Body Weight Workouts:

Full Body 1:

4x10 Body Weight Squats 

4x10 Pushups (5 second hold at bottom, 5 second squeeze at top)

4x10 Body Weight Split Stance Squats (5 second eccentric (lower))

4x10 Ice Skaters 

4x10 V-ups

Full Body 2:

4x5ea Lunge Series (forward, Lateral, Reverse)

4x10 Bear Crawls (Box if able, Lateral, or forward Backwards)

4x10 Tuck Jumps

4x5 Plyo Push-ups (push off the ground, reset each rep)

4x20 Standing Calf Raises (5 second eccentric)

Banded Workouts:

Full Body 1:

4x10 Banded Squats

4x10 Banded Push-ups

4x10 Banded Rows

4x10 Banded Curls

4x10 Banded Tricep Pushdowns (put in door)

Full body 2:

4x10 Banded Chest Press

4x10 Banded Straight Arm Pulldowns (put band in door)

4x10 Banded Hammer Curls

4x10 Overhead Tricep Extensions

4x10 Banded Lunges (rev or forward)

Lower Body (no equipment):

A1 3x8ea BW Reverse Lunge with 3 second hold

A23x5 BW Squat Jump with stick

B1 3x8ea BW Cossack Squat with 3 second hold

B2 3x60sec Moving Plank (Push-Up to Elbows)

C1 3x40sec (ea) Side Plank with Top Leg Lift Offs

C2 3x10 Superman (3 sec Hold)

D1 3x3ea 4-way Single Leg Squat (touch floor around clock)

D2 3x30sec Bicycle Crunches

E1 2x10ea Deadbugs

E2 2x10 Alternating Leg Lowers

Upper Body (no equipment):

A1 4x10 Push-Ups (2 second hold at bottom)

A2 4x510yd Box Bear Crawl

B1 3x10 High Plank Shoulder Taps

B2 3x15ea High Plank Mountain Climbers

C1 2x10ea Cat-Cows

C2 2x10ea Bear Overhead Reaches

D1 2x10 Prone Handcuffs

D2 2x15 Push-Up to Downward Dog


Lower Body Mobility:

90/90s (Back heel up holds/ front heel up holds)

Ankle combat  stretch

Pelvic tilts (anterior/posterior)


Pigeon Stretch

Lizard w/rotations

Thoracic Mobility:

Quadruped T-spine rotations (Arm Straight)

Quadruped Handcuffs with rotation (one arm on low back like wearing handcuffs)

Reach, roll, lifts (lift from lower traps, not shoulders)

Thread the needle

Bridge w/rotations

Body weight windmills (can do half-kneeling as well)

Downward dog with thoracic extension

Shoulder/Scap Mobility:

Wall Circles

Scap Circles

Prone ITYLs

Hinged ITYLs (Pretend string is pulling wrists back)

Bridge w/rotation

Windmills (1/2 kneeling/standing)

Wall Presses

Core Work:

Planks (any variation) - challenge movement during plank more than time!

Wall dead bugs

Regular dead bugs

Bird dogs (don’t kick heel up, kick heel out!)

Reverse crunch

Leg lowers

Bicycle Crunches


Arm Care:

Standard Warm-Up (3-4x per week)

1 set of 15-20 - J-Bands per day

x10 Reverse Throws - Black & Green

x10 Upward Toss - Green

x10 Pivot Picks - Green

x5 Walk Aways - Blue

x5 Roll-In - Blue


Rock Backs - 2x - BRYG

Step Backs - 2x - BRYG

Bauer’s - 1x - BRYG

Walking Wind-Ups - 1x - BRYG

Catch Play - Do what you can do! Something is better than nothing!


2x10 Partner Reveres Throws - (B or G)

1x20 J-Band Reverse Throws

1x10 J-Band Y’s

2x20 Rebounders (G)

2x20 Band Pullaparts

These are simple things you can add if have somewhere to throw them into!

Light catch 2-4 days per week will help you maintain what you have built up!  Something is better than nothing!

If you have questions, email for more ideas or remote training!


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